"Quail Thread-Hatching, Mutations, and everything quail related!!!"

In many of the colors, the males will be red on their breasts and near their vents. The females are usually wider and have less vibrant coloring. There are some varities that don't have any color differences, so those ones you would have to rely on the shape of their bodies or by seeing them lay eggs or not.
Hey everyone. I have snowflake Bobwhites in the incubator. I had 14 of 22 make it to lockdown. I am now on day 25 and have no pips, no movement. Nothing. I have hatched many Corturnix and normally have a 80% hatch rate, but this is my first try on Bobwhites. So I'm dumbfounded. There was a delay with the post office and it took 6 days to get them, but I can't imagine that being the problem since 14 of them made it until lockdown. What's the longest it could take these to hatch?
Help... Quail 9 days old toes turning?? He has always been smaller and had stumpy legs but had been getting stronger, eating drinking and running round like the rest of them. Now it appears the right foot is turning in slightly and he is shuffling more so than recent days, he can still walk and run but is a bit wobbly and keeps coming back down onto his bum - when he was younger he shuffled but then seemed strong enough to hold his weight.

I had feed that was a bit low on protein which I didnt realise but today got a higher mix, and had been treating them with boiled egg to make up for it as soon as i found out, which they all wolfed down, including Little Steve, as we call him/her. I really dont want him to die, though I know runts tend to... I'm just too soft, and also scared as I dont know how to attach "shoes" to help him stand. He seems feisty enough, though has been less active today if I am honest.

What is your honest opinion, excluding leaving him to it? Anyone else had babies like this that have died / survived.

Also, now they are 9 days old, what temp in degress Celsius, should it be, Mine ranges from 22 deg C to 30 or 31 deg C under the heat lamp.

Thanks anyone for advice....I'm new to this and they are designed as pets for eggs so I have become far too attached to them I think and am feeling sad..

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