Quail with Bubble feet and lesions on face


May 27, 2020
I am needing some advice. I keep my birds in larger aviaries on the ground. I just noticed today that in one pen I had birds (scaled quail) with swollen feet that looked like they had dry growths on them and a few of them with lesions by their eyes and on the bridge of their nose. I just looked in a different pen 20 feet away and I saw a different type of quail (bobwhite) with a small wart like lesion right above his eye.

My pens are clean, I dont over crowd, I feed them 30% protien feed and dewormed them a month in a half ago. I am at a complete loss.

I just went to tractor supply and bought some anti fungle spray to spray on their feet. I have added probiotic to their water, but I'm afraid I will lose my birds or will need to cull the sick ones to save the healthy ones.

Any thoughts or help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


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Here is my bobwhite male. He has a lesion above his eye, one inside his mouth and puffy feet.


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Welcome to BYC. How are your quail doing?

Thanks! Those are not good. I did cull them to try and protect the rest of my flock. I have since cull 3 other birds. The rest of my flock (all in different pens, with 2 pens with issues) are doing good. Nothing that is spreading from pen to pen and both issues are different things. I still havent been able to figure it out. I have looked up everything I can think of and the symptoms dont match one thing. I have treated my pens with a dewormer in their water for two months in a row, so I dont think it is a parasite. More some kind of bacterial infection. Just weird.

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