Quail with guinea fowl


8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Champaign County, Illinois
I have some full grown jumbo quail and my husband really wants just a few guinea for the freezer. Could I throw a few keets in with the quail until they get big enough to free range? Haven't bought them yet, wanted to see if there were the same biohazards as chickens mixing with quail. I had guinea previously but we had them a few years ago with chickens and they freeranged, so I never had them bother my chickens. They kept to themselves pretty much. So tell me, absolutely awful idea? Or fine if I pull them out before they get too mature?
Btw, the run I have them in is 10x16, about 6 ft tall. I have 37 quail currently and will be culling and filling the freezer in about a month. I'll be cutting them down to about 14- 2 roos, 12 hens. They have clumps of tall grass, a doghouse to get out of the wind, and several "tunnels" made of cinder blocks that they enjoy hiding in and running thru. I have two quail roos crowing already and they hatched on the 10th of May.

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