Quails in Northern AZ


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I love Quails! In doing some research on the net, I found the California Quail and that's the one I love the most but would like to have some buttons also.
My question is ... is it possible to build an area with a screened top so they stay in the yard/large coop? I know they can fly and I don't want to harm one. If anyone lives near Snowflake, do they run wild up there?
ANY info is very appreciated!
I don't think you have wild California quail in your area. Lots of Gambels quail perhaps.

Quail need to be enclosed as they cannot free range or come when called. They will fly away if not penned in. So if you want to keep them in an outdoor area, you would need to build a run or flight pen.

California quail are a bit difficult to keep for a beginner. They can be flighty, nervous and not human oriented. You might want to start with Coturnix quail.

Buttons however are not a hardy species and need to be kept indoors. They can not tolerate cold temps.
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thanks for the quick reply, the info and the WELCOME! I have gotten alot of info about chickens on BYC and appreciate everyone who asks questions and responds with their experience, it's helped me choose the breeds that will stand the cold in Snowflake!

thanks again

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