Quality of King Brand Feed (ingredients listed in post)?

Don't really know how they compare, but it is nice to see the grain ingredients listed on the tag. Last time I looked at Purina it said grain byproducts & grain or something like that. I would like to know "what" grain products! Hope someone else can help.

Cindy, I picked up a bag of Purina Golden Line Layena today from my local co-op and asked the manager if he could get me the list of ingredients as Purina was so secretive about it. He handed me a sheet and said there was NO WAY for a consumer to get the actual list of ingredients, you had to go through a purchase point.

Basically this recipe is 17% protein and the 3 main ingredients are:

corn and corn by-products
wheat and wheat by-products
soy meal

He also mentioned that Purina never guarantees the order of ingredients as they go by market availability of grain, they buy the cheapest truckloads of X and that's what you get. Varies from bag to bag, basically.

Not happy with commercial chicken food, I feel like I have no say in what goes in my bird's stomaches
Calcium, not more than.................................…………....3.2%

Actually, most layer feeds I've had say not more than 4.50% on the calcium, but the Game Bird Breeder/Layena is lower like the one you're asking about.​
I recently started my 4 chicken mini-flock (6 month old) on King Brand Layer mini-pellet, the pellets are half the size of regular pellets with oyster shell mixed with the pellets. My layer crumble doesn't have actual visible oyster shell in that mix.

Right now, just my one faithful pullet putting out an egg a day, while my other two pullets and rooster chow down on the sidelines.

Can't wait for the day when I find TWO eggs in the nest boxes, and then THREE!


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