Question about Beans!


Mar 12, 2013
New Jersey
Hey all,

Just wanted to pose a question about bean seedlings and such. I live in NJ, and the weather the past three days was absolutely beautiful. Two days were over 80 degrees, and the nights were a cool 65-70, almost like a summer night in April. Anyways, I guess the hot weather got me a little excited, and I went ahead and planted bean seeds in the garden on Friday, April 11. Well tonight has a low of 30 degrees and there is a light snow coming down. Tomorrow night is supposed to be 32 and then after that the Thursday low is 39, followed by 42-46 degree nights from Friday on. My question is this...will my bean seeds in the ground be ok?? I don't expect them to sprout for another few days, hopefully once these cold nights have passed, but I'm not sure they will with this cold. Daytime temperatures are around 60-65 degrees, so the soil will warm up after being cold all night. Did I plant too early? Are these seeds hopeless and due not to germinate? Has anybody been in a similar position, where there was a frost over their bean seeds and had success? Please let me know! Thanks!!
Should be fine. As you know they would have been done for if already sprouted. It may take them a while to come up with the soil temp still cold but they will pop up when warm enough. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks.
Thanks for the reply. I planted them because the forecast was basically 70 degrees for the entire week, and then suddenly we had a small cold snap. I figured they would stay warm enough in the soil, which is a good thing. I have a ton of seeds, and they were planted on the 11th, so if I don't see any germination in 2 weeks or so, I'll go ahead and re-seed. Thanks again!
Should be fine. As you know they would have been done for if already sprouted. It may take them a while to come up with the soil temp still cold but they will pop up when warm enough. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks.

What he said. If the beans had already sprouted they would have died. April is too early to plant beans in most zones. I'm in zone 6 and i plant beans at the end of may until mid june.
That is where I am, however I have had a lot of luck planting beans from late April until june with great success. This past week temps reached 80, so I figured I would give it a shot. They haven't sprouted yet, but I am hoping they do in a week or so.
You can always cover them in the evening with anything to hold the heat from the day. Put plastic over them, or my favorite: Since my garden is under a layer of mulch, you can just pull it over the row, and push it back when things warm up during the day.

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