Question about Bobwhites.

Well, I bit the bullet and purchased some Northern Bobwhite stock. They weigh between 8-10 ounces each and they seem to be well taken care of. They came out of a flight pen and are spastic to say the least. I put them in a 24X24X14 cage with a wire bottom and they they haven't killed themselves...yet. I have several that are definite hens as they have no black and have very brown masks on their heads. I have some that are definitely males as they have very black stripes and white masks their heads. Then I have several with any combination of both. I have a tan mask with black stripes, a partial white and tan mask with black stripes, etc. All the material I've read says that males will have a white mask with black stripes and females will be basically brown headed. So at this point, I think I will call this a hatchery stock issue and start trying to breed to a better standard, both in color and size.

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