question about candling or viability


11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
spring valley , CA
im on day 8 and i was wondering if someoen could answer something fro me. i have 3 eggs left out of 5 but one of the eggs i cant see anything except veins i dont see a little baby swiming around in there like the other ones. and in one of the other ones i see the baby but he wasnt moving. the other one was swimming like crazy. if anyone can give me some advice about either one of the two i am questioning that would be great. thanks
Keep them all. Veins are good. Babies can hide and sleep. I'd wait.
thanks i think i am jsut really really nervouse about it. i think i caught the fever. its nice to be able to talk to people that share my same feelings abotu these cute little guys i think most of my friends just think im crazy for trying to hatch eggs lol... who knows
I will let you know that I been hatching for over 2 years now. Everytime I do this I get nervous. It wont go away. Veins are a good sign. Keep em and check again in a few days to see improvement
Check them again at day 14. Use one of those funny curly-cue lightbulbs - they don't put off as much heat so you can hold them a little longer without getting them too hot. They could be sleeping, but if you hold them for about 15 seconds, and gently rotate them, sometimes you'll see them move just a little. I did that last night, and was holding my breath because I thought they weren't moving. One was doing backflips in the egg, but the other 3 were quiet. Don't give up on them yet!
i am on day 12 with 3 duck eggs - I candled them a few days ago and all three were moving around like crazy - but when i candled them last night there was movement - just not as much so i think they were "resting" - I will take another look in a few days to make sure they are doing alright.

give your little ones a few more days and than take another look.

this will be my first time hatching anything - at first DH thought I was crazy - now he is right there when I candle them !!

good luck with your babies


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