Question about CLB rooster


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
I have a flock of 30 with a CLB rooster. I think I was told (could be wrong- but can't find the thread anymore) that ALL of his offspring would be barred, regardless of the hen. Is this correct?? Because they aren't. I have two that are yellow chipmunk types.

The only other possible rooster that could've fathered these two (if ALL chicks will be barred) was sent to the freezer 3 wks 2 days BEFORE I set the incubator. I collected eggs for 7 days before setting.

A pure Legbar rooster will pass barring on to all his offspring, yes.
They will all have the gene but whether the barring or headspot shows may be a different story depending on what other genes they have.
Yes. The chipmunk pattern might hide the head spot a bit, however, there is another explanation. Usually three weeks is long enough for any retained sperm to be gotten rid of, but not always. Sometimes it can take up to a month, a weird phenomenon. Chickens are definitely odd creatures. What color was the other rooster?
Yes. The chipmunk pattern might hide the head spot a bit, however, there is another explanation. Usually three weeks is long enough for any retained sperm to be gotten rid of, but not always. Sometimes it can take up to a month, a weird phenomenon. Chickens are definitely odd creatures. What color was the other rooster?
I agree. I have hatched chicks from 3 week prior breeding a few times. Now I wait 4 weeks min. and I keep no rooster with them so I can check and see that nothings fertile for a week.
I was wondering if it wasn't showing because they stated "yellow" chipmunk. If theyre wildtype/wheaten I wouldn't expect it to show well.
No, there is no headspot on the chipmunk chicks.

The other rooster was a wry neck runt who wasn't allowed to go anywhere near the flock and slept outside in our woodshed until his time came. He tried to sleep in the barn but none of the hens nor my CLB rooster would have it. I never actually saw him mate any hens, and he was mostly following my husband or I around or waiting for us by our cars. He was grey and black. A mix breed.

It would be REALLY REALLY UNLIKELY for him to be the dad. Just because he rarely had the opportunity...
I agree. I have hatched chicks from 3 week prior breeding a few times. Now I wait 4 weeks min. and I keep no rooster with them so I can check and see that nothings fertile for a week.
I was wondering if it wasn't showing because they stated "yellow" chipmunk. If theyre wildtype/wheaten I wouldn't expect it to show well.
posting photos of the 3 that are CLB rooster over EE (blue egg laying) hen

See how the first 2 have head spots- even on the bright yellow chick its easy to see- but the 3rd chick has no head spot.


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A pure Legbar rooster will pass barring on to all his offspring, yes.
They will all have the gene but whether the barring or headspot shows may be a different story depending on what other genes they have.
So from your response I understand that they may carry the barring gene but not show it?
So in that case all these chicks can be the CLB offspring? Hens are dark egg layers (welsummer, marans, or potentially a mix of these). Photos below. In the first pic with the yellow chipmunk and the black chick- I thought neither had a head spot- but actually the black chick does--its just that it is only about 2 feathers big...but if you rub the fuzz in a certain way you can see it. (maybe not in the pic though)


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So from your response I understand that they may carry the barring gene but not show it?
So in that case all these chicks can be the CLB offspring? Hens are dark egg layers (welsummer, marans, or potentially a mix of these). Photos below. In the first pic with the yellow chipmunk and the black chick- I thought neither had a head spot- but actually the black chick does--its just that it is only about 2 feathers big...but if you rub the fuzz in a certain way you can see it. (maybe not in the pic though)
Here are 4 chicks from Legbar rooster over Olive Egger (Legbar x Welsummer) hen. They're demonstrating auto-sexing qualities of the Legbars & Welsummers. Best guess is the 2 on the left are female, the light one with head spot in the middle is definitely a male, and the lighter red on the right is likely also a male.
Here are 4 chicks from Legbar rooster over Olive Egger (Legbar x Welsummer) hen. They're demonstrating auto-sexing qualities of the Legbars & Welsummers. Best guess is the 2 on the left are female, the light one with head spot in the middle is definitely a male, and the lighter red on the right is likely also a male.
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Ok, thanks. So I have some very similar birds and Im seeing the same type of markings. I was also assuming any light birds like the little guy in the middle are male...and darker chipmunks are female. Good to know it can happen even with mixes (like your EE mix). I am finding that as well. Thanks

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