Question about eggs and being fertile


8 Years
Jul 15, 2011
Syracuse, New York

I have a white silkie who has JUST started laying (omg are they tiny eggs) :) My question is how long till they eggs would be fertile? I'm new to this as our other flock has no rooster. I've gotten my first 6 eggs from her and wanted to hatch some but I'm unsure on how to tell if they're good. Or if she would need some time to get her lay on before they'd be fertile. She has been raised with roos around.


Crack one open and see if you can find the bullseye. If it's there, it is fertile. If it is just a white dot, it is not fertile either.

I would give her a little while before hatching, as the eggs are still too small to support a growing chick :) Maybe 2 - 3 weeks if you can. Some may say longer.
By the way, I had a silkie who started to lay mid January, and she stopped after only laying for a week :/ The eggs are so freaking cute!
Thanks for the reply. I'll go crack one open and find out. I can't wait to hatch them!!!!!!
I know how you feel :D My silkie didn't even look like she stopped and nested before laying. She was just walking around and than all of a sudden EGG. I was right there when it happened. She laid for 5 days straight, skipped a day and laid twice more before quitting cold turkey. No broodiness or anything. Very strange :/
This is my girl :)

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