Question about housing, bird type, and nesting. (with coop example)


8 Years
May 24, 2011
As the title says, I am new to quail. I have a bunch of questions and have found a few answers here. Here is my main question though. I have designed a possible quail coop with Google sketchup and wanted to get your thought on it. Here is the design below.


I hope you can make out the dimensions and general size. Would this be a good quail coop for coturnix? From my reading here I'm taking that these are the best for beginners. If so, how many can I keep in there? The square footage is 16 sq ft including the enclosed area.

Also, do I really need the enclosed "nesting" area? I thought it would be a good place for them to get out of the heat and cold here in central Alabama.

Another question. Do coturnix sit on their eggs or will I have to incubate all the eggs?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I have the sketchup file if anyone wants it below.

Hope posting the link doesn't violate any forum rules. If so I will remove the link.
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Wow, great program.... Your pen looks good, I would use 1\\2" hardware cloth for wire and your good to go. The nest box is not mandatory. Winter it would be good...Looks alot like one I built as a grow out pen bobs and chukars, with out the nest box end thou.


It had just blew over in a tornado\\hail storm, got all muddy. Freaked the birds out BTW...Gett'er done!! Bill
Thanks guys! Got a bator on the way!

So what's a good number of birds to put in this coop? Is the 1 sqft/bird rule correct for coturnix?
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So far, for me, 1+ sq. ft per Coturnix, keeps a happy adult bird. I have ~12 right now in 15 sq. ft. with multiple sand boxes, water and feed sources. They rest, preen, dustbathe and chat quietly.
They regularly deposit their eggs in the sandboxes per our lease agreement.

The younger birds, we have rented to 20+ fuzzybutts in a 30gallon rubbermaid for 2+ weeks, then split them into 2 containers for another 2 weeks. Then we rented all 20+ freshman, a 2x5 growout, they are still doing fine at ~7 weeks now, just starting to lay and crow but we will be sending some to camp soon from that rental unit before any late night crowing parties start happening...
Thanks Model_A_Tractor! I may have to take a look at your rental agreement!
Wouldn't want any unruly tenants taking advantage of their living quarters.

Yes DuranAndy, it's really an amazing program. I use it a lot at my job. And best of all, IT'S FREE!!!!!

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