question about moldy dog food.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
orangeburg sc
A friend of mine had about 20lbs of dog food that got a little bit of water in it. he was going to throw it away so i took it. i was wondering if i picked out the chunks the were moldy if it would be alright to throw my chickens a hand full of it a day. its little bit size pieces. not much bigger than chick crumbles.
If i can't feed it to the chickens i can always feed it to the fish.
I would not feed the moldy food to ANY animal or fish. Mold can be extremely harmful (just as it is for us). You can quickly find sick animals and dead fish if they eat anything moldy (even if you think you've picked it all out).
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If there is mold in the bag throw it out. The spores from the mold are all over the bag & food not just on the visible clumps.

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