My sweet little TinkerBelle may or may not be sick? I'm a first timer, we have 13 chicks, 4 weeks old... Waiting for this Colorado Springtime weather to get warmer, so they can go outside.. Our chicks live in a nice warm bin in my mud room and everyone seems happy and healthy, well almost everyone! Tink is the smallest, best I can tell, the bottom of the pecking order and is not growing like everyone else. While most of my kiddos have a lot of "big girl" feathers and have quadrupled in size, she is just now beginning to get some wing feathers and still teeny tiny! her wings are growing in all jagged and look shabby. She eats like a champ (always after everyone else is finished) and when I force feed her water she will drink, but I very rarely see her drinking on her own in the pen. She is dealing with some pasty butt, it seems to be improving with my washing and warm cloths along with some Vaseline. She also cries (very sadly and loudly) when she poops! Everytime!!! (Some old timers told me she was just a big baby) I kind of assumed she was dehydrated but now that her feathers look rough I'm wondering if she's sick? Perhaps she is just a tiny runt and slow to grow?? She usually sleeps standing up in the middle of the other chicks and I feel bad for her? She likes it when I let her cuddle with me, but also seems to walk around the pen and act normal?!? (Except when she poops?) any ideas??