Question about my male duck being fertle.


Mar 20, 2016
Molino, Florida
So, long story short...

I have a goose laying on a nest of both duck eggs and geese eggs. The geese eggs will not hatch because we have no male goose. We do have a male duck, but we think he is partial a Muscovey. I have heard from somewhere that if the duck is a half-breed of Muscovy it cannot fertilize eggs. I need to know if these eggs are not viable and if I should get my goose off of them or not. My male duck is pictured below. He has no red patches on him, but his beak and face area is lined with black smooth hard substance. He is the blue/grey and white duck. I have searched the internet and I cannot find another duck that looks like him.


Could you get a clearer photo of his face? I do believe that yes, Muscovy half-breed ducks (called "mules," btw) are sterile.

If you don't mind sacrificing one of the duck eggs to check the fertility, Check out:

Photo of fertile vs non fertile egg yolk

BYC article on identifying fertile eggs

If they aren't fertile, you could always order some fertile goose or duck hatching eggs for your goose to sit on.
Could you get a clearer photo of his face? I do believe that yes, Muscovy half-breed ducks (called "mules," btw) are sterile.

If you don't mind sacrificing one of the duck eggs to check the fertility, Check out:

Photo of fertile vs non fertile egg yolk

BYC article on identifying fertile eggs

If they aren't fertile, you could always order some fertile goose or duck hatching eggs for your goose to sit on.
Here is another picture. I'd rather not sacrifice an egg. It's been sitting on them for quite awhile so if it is possible that they are alive I'd like to leave it that way.


Any way you could sneak one out and candle it? Or take a fresh one she's not sitting on and check the yolk for a bullseye? Cute ducks by the way!
How long does it take for the ducks inside to start moving? I saw the goose off of the nest today but I had to get to class so I wasn't able to try. By "candling," do you mean you just put a bright light up to the egg in a dark place?

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