Question about Orpingtons (temperment).........


11 Years
Jun 30, 2008
I have read, in numerous places, that orpingtons are the "lap chicken" breed. You know, friendly, calm, docile.

Well, my first experience with orpingtons was BAD. Granted he was a rooster......and my first chicken.......but he was EVIL. At first, he loved on me, acted like he would shrivel up and die if anything ever happened to me. But then, he was alone for awhile, and when I got him hens, he turned into a little DEVIL!

Was this my fault, or is the breed like this? He was a hatchery bird, however. Did that have anything to do with it, or was it because of the period of time he was alone and i couldnt find him any hens?

I have long wondered if it because of the breed, or something i have done.
It sounds like he was just being a rooster and was making sure his hens knew he was the alpha-roo in the coop, even though he was not. You were.

The breed itself is an awesome one! My Orps. are all docile and gentle.

Try the breed again and get the rooster at the same time you get the hens or better yet, hatch some and raise them yourself. I think you'll find that the breed in general is wonderful after all.
Good advice, well said. I find them to be great birds, getting some BBS's in a few weeks.

I think like all breeds, there are exceptions to the typical behavior patterns. I am hearing more and more about hatchery orps having poor temperaments and that is really disappointing. My buff orps are all very docile around people. They are not all lap chickens, but I've never had any signs of aggression and there are quite a few who like to snuggle and sit on my lap.
I've talked to folks who raise blacks and have varying experiences with them. I'm not sure why since I don't work with that color variety on a regular basis, so I couldn't speak for how their temperaments ended up different than the buff. I would imagine it has to do with what is used in their development and how breeding selections are made. I make every effort to only breed good temperaments in my buff orps. I don't think hatcheries put their focus on all aspects of a breed, but mainly on production, which is what most people desire.
I have Orps and love em!!! Our rooster was ornery but all my hens are very friendly.I got mine from a hatchery and have no problems with there behavior.It's what you would expect from the breed.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the responses!

I thought that there was natural variation playing a role in all of that.... After all, my hatchery cochins arent anything like what most peole say their cochins are like.

I think I will definatly give the breed anouther chance
My buff hen follows me everywhere like a little dog. She's the sweetest chicken!


Was this my fault, or is the breed like this? He was a hatchery bird, however. Did that have anything to do with it, or was it because of the period of time he was alone and i couldnt find him any hens?

I can understand you question. As someone else said...there are exceptions to every breed. That said.....hatchery chickens good at what they do, but are not really very representative of the breed. Thus I doubt you can get an accurate answer to your question.

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