Question about picture limits and etc


10 Years
May 16, 2009
SW US Desert
Maybe I need to pay the annual fee. Where could I send a MO since I don't use paypal ? Second what happens when the image posting is filled up ? This is such a wonderful site ! It is an invaluable site to the users and I do know that a lot of volunteer time goes into the mantainence. I really appreciate all the help. I have learned so much been given so much support and made friends. Thank you everyone. Mary
Thanks for the great feedback! You can contact [email protected] to discuss different payment options... we're usually pretty flexible with different options.

You asked what happens when the image posting is filled up? The system doesn't allow additional uploads until you either become a Golden Feather Member or remove images (again, remember if they are removed from your uploads they are removed from everywhere you posted them).
I sent my e-mail to you requesting information about mailing but have not received a return. Did my message not arrive ?
Hi I received your email yesterday when I was out of town, but you didn't say you wanted to make a purchase.
Now that I know I will reply with details.


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