question about Pittsburgh


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
My son is looking at a school in Pittsburgh. I want to find out what the city is like. He is slightly naive about the world in a "No one would try to pull one over on me" kind of way. He is a thinks outside the box, can't find the box, ADD, creative type.

I have heard that Pittsburgh can be kind of dangerous. Just wondering if that is true.
I think any large city can be dangerous.....just google Pittsburg and read about it. Look at the crime rates, demographic ect.
Pittsburgh isn't any more or any less dangerous then NYC, Boston, Detroit, etc. I almost moved there before I came to Michigan. Every major City has it's trouble spots. In fact even smaller Cities have trouble spots too.
Like Harlan said, He can do a little research. He can make a couple visits before moving there, and get a feel for the place as well. Since, he's looking at a school there, the schools usually a have a "visiting week", and I'm sure he'll make friends real quick. It's always better to explore new surroundings with friends

I've lived in pittsburgh for almost 13 years, and I really like it. lots of museums, there's heinz hall, phipps concervatory, a great library system, lots of universities, and even though some parts of the city have high crime rates, other parts (like fox chapel where I live) have low crime rates, are wooded areas, etc. and as an added bonus, the aviary recently got silkies.
Umm dare I ask what is going on? I haven't looked at the news in a few days except local...

ETA: Never mind - thats where the G20 summit is being held.
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How are his navigation skills? I find driving in Pittsburgh to be a real pain and avoid it at all costs. Multiple rivers, hills, tunnels, etc. create havoc. Thankfully the airport is easy to get to, and it's a good one.
The world leaders are there this weekend - lots of protests,etc.

I have had family live there for over 30 years - A nice city for the most part - a couple of rough areas to stay out of, but they are really trying to renovate the city and places by the river. the suburbs are really nice and woodsy. My family or I have never had any problems, and all of their kids have gone to Pitt or Penn State with no problems. It is a lot safer than Washington, Baltimore, New York ,etc. - probably the safest big city on the east coast.

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