Question about polish rooster


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I have a polish cockerel, 15 weeks old. Although he very much looks like a roo - pointed crest, saddle and hackle feathers - he's a sissy. Scared of his own shadow.

Every rooster I've had before him was mature enough to crow and try to mate by 15 weeks. Are polish just slow to mature? I'm going to keep a rooster out of the next hatch because I am starting to think that the polish might not be a very good flock protector.
Oh, my. Sourland BEHAVE. George talks to himself and behaves.
Maybe it's just my lines, or my socialization, not sure, but my Polish boys always grown up just fine. They can see just perfectly (even with a big crest) crow on time and boss the girls plenty. I have indeed gotten a couple Polish boys from someone else and they never crowed nor got courage before 6 months old, so, I think it's the breeding, but, I don't know how I can help you.
I'm with sourland...... can he even SEE the hens?

Very funny Miz Ranchy
He can see just fine. His crest goes up and out. Pearl (aka Star) the little polish pullet is the one that can't see, or couldn't until we gave her a haircut yesterday. She totally freaked when I took her back outside and set her down. I can see! I can see!
Pearl is my little sweetheart. She fixates on my shoes; probably cuz that's all she ever sees of me is my shoes. She spots my shoes and follows them everywhere, running into lots of things in the process.

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