Question about ranging


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
I am still new to peafowl. I got my first pair in September, so this will be my first breeding season.
Mine free range on my farm. I kept them penned initially for 8 weeks in a large horse barn. They still
spend most of their time in there, including sleeping.

My question is, my neighbor across the street and a field away. (about 4-5 acres) from my birds, also
has free range peafowl. Last I counted there were 6 hens and 2 cocks. They have smaller trains than my boy.
He has been over there once, looking around. For a few minutes. Will those peahens come to him, or will he be likely to go over there?
Or will they all keep to themselves?

What is the likelyhood that I would loose both of them to that flock?

I think you can never know for certain who will go were. It all depends on your peafowl. The good thing is that you have the better peacock. I would be more worried if your neighboor's peacocks were more impressive than yours, but if yours has the longer train than your peahen should be happy were she is. But since your neighboor has 6 peahens, they might come to your yard to breed with your nicer male or your male might want more peahens and go over there. You never know. Of course you might never have a problem. Your birds might wander over there sometimes and always come home or even a lower ranking bird being picked on at your neighboor's could come join your birds. I hope it doesn't become a problem for you but since you have had them since September they should be okay, your peacock might leave for a while to mate with the neigboor's peahens though... That is my thought.
agree with MinxFox.

one possibility is all of them basically merge in one flock living in the "general area" & go to both houses about the same.

Definitely expect visits, either way to your place or theirs- peafowl are VERY attracted to sound and sight of other peafowl. If your birds seem to move over there, you will need to catch keep them confined and hatch several chicks. Chicks generally 'stay home' better also if one or two move over there permanently, you still have others that stay at your place.. not a real big loss.

I'm actually in similar situation except most peafowl at both places usually confined. He believes his peahens will not lay/set on eggs if confined so every spring he lets his birds loose..
their peahens either stay here just for the day, or couple days(spending the nights here) or stay for several months then go back to neighbors. Their males came here only very occasionally and never stayed overnight.

Most of those birds were hatched over there, and are pretty wild. Mine are very tame.
My male will eat out of my hand. They were hatched by another breeder. Hopefully it will
work out that they stick around. I think they will, because they usually don't range more than
a hundred yards from their barn, until the male decided to go across the street.

The calling of the male will attract hens his way, although all the peafowl will wonder around and you might find some interbreeding going on with your neighbors free ranging peafowl.
That would be OK with me. I just want them to stick around. Some chicks for myself would be great too.

He is over there now trying to get 2 hens to folllow him home. They get about half way, then get scared and run back.
if i were you i would talk to your neighbor and make sure they are fine with yours going over there... dont want them to be shot or stolen!

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