Question about Sevin Dust


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 1, 2009
North Hampton
Has anyone used sevin dust on their chickens? I am curious because we have a cause of mites and would like to treat for them as soon as possible. Does anyone have any suggestions?
used it and it worked perfectly. were a respirator, I put some in the bottom of a plastic bag, sat the hen inside the bag and then without getting any near their head fluffed the dust onto them. you have to do the coop/run etc. then about 2 weeks later you have to do it again to make sure the babies don't hatch
I use a cheese shaker, like in an Italian rest. Hold the bird by the legs and upside down, shake away, everywhere. In all my years I never thought of a respirator and I even dust broodies with chicks with no ill effcts. Good stuff........Pop

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