Question about straw/hay


7 Years
Jun 15, 2017
Harrisville, NY
i want to use a couple of bales left together as roost for my silkies this winter but last time I bought baled straw The chickens ended up with lice. I’ve been hesitant every since only buying bagged chopped straw from tsc.
If I buy bales can I spray them with permethrin or dust them before adding to coop?
You should probably dust your silkies. Mites can hide in straw, but whatever they had before didn't come from the straw, they were already on your birds.

Silkies are prone to external parasites, so I would dust them weekly for 3-4 weeks to try to get rid of most before going into winter. You can also treat the environment.
i want to use a couple of bales left together as roost for my silkies this winter but last time I bought baled straw The chickens ended up with lice.
Lice usually stay on the birds, but any hay or straw stored in a barn where wild birds and/or rodents have access can be infested with roost mites and/or maybe poultry mites and lice eggs.
Thank you everyone, that’s why I always run my hair brain ideas here first you guys always think of things i had thought of. It was a thought because I saw someone else do it. I think I’m going to pass on the bales. And do what I usually do in the winter deep layer bedding they can sleep on. I don’t want to go through that again. I bought the bales at a local farm supply that stores everything in big warehouse like buildings. I’m sure they must have mice because the food is stored there too and the doors to the warehouse are open all day. This happened a couple of years ago. I put the bales in the new coop and approximately 2 weeks later I found lice on the chickens I cleaned all the straw out and sprayed permethrin on the birds and coop once week for 3 weeks and have not had a problem since. I have a small flock so everyone gets a once over looking for issues at least once a week, so I was able to catch it early.
Ask and you shall receive. I was talking to my husband about it and he put a wide and long ramp in with hinges and a hook so I can put it up and out of the way to clean and collect eggs. He also added an led strip light so I can have a light in there to encourage them to go to that end of the coop.

Maybe now I can encourage them to stop roosting on the stumps. I don’t mind in the summer but this winter the other end is more closed in for them.

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