Question about the air cell in shipped eggs


12 Years
Oct 30, 2007
I set some duck eggs 4 days ago that were shipped to me. I noticed when I received them that the air cell had moved to the side, so I put them in an egg carton for a few hours with the small side down. The air cell is now where it is supposed to be, but my question is has there been some kind of damage to the membrane that may cause hatching problems? I did quickly candle them yesterday and they look like they are developing. I would feel awful though if they develop and then die because the air cell was damaged during shipping
They should be fine. Sometimes you might even see an aircell on the side and the egg hatch just fine. Even a floating air cell from shipping will often settle down and a good hatch come from it. I wouldn't worry too much over it. Good luck on your hatch.

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