Question about turkey color stuff again.


Dec 30, 2019
Polk City, FL
My Coop
My Coop
Ok so I have 2 Turkey poults that are from a Royal palm Tom over a blue slate hen and I have 4 poults that are from a bourbon red Tom over a buff colored hen (I'm still trying to figure out what she is). Anyways, it's looking like the blue slate mixes might look just like a pure blue slate and the bourbon red crosses look just like pure bourbon red poults..... my question is IF they do turn out to look just like a blue slate and just like pure bourbon red could they be considered blue slates and bourbon reds even though the parents are a totally different variety?? I hope that makes since lol... thanks!
Ok so I have 2 Turkey poults that are from a Royal palm Tom over a blue slate hen and I have 4 poults that are from a bourbon red Tom over a buff colored hen (I'm still trying to figure out what she is). Anyways, it's looking like the blue slate mixes might look just like a pure blue slate and the bourbon red crosses look just like pure bourbon red poults..... my question is IF they do turn out to look just like a blue slate and just like pure bourbon red could they be considered blue slates and bourbon reds even though the parents are a totally different variety?? I hope that makes since lol... thanks!
At a young age, you cannot see the differences between many of the Slate varieties. I have some Tri-color Mottled Slates at nearly 3 months old. They are just now starting to show some brown in their feathers. I have not yet noticed any of the expected white coming yet but it will continue to come in as they age.

The ones that are about 2 months old still look like regular Blue Slates but they aren't regular Blue Slates and they will eventually develop the colors associated with the Tri-color Mottled Slates.

The 2 month old Tri-color Mottled Blacks that I also have still look like regular black turkeys. They too will develop the white mottling and brown feathers as they get older.

Your Bourbon Red with the light colored mother are capable of turning out to be Bourbon Reds that may or may not be carrying hidden recessive color genes. Only a selective breeding program or DNA testing will answer your questions about them. There also you need to wait to see their final adult plumage to be able to tell anything from them.
At a young age, you cannot see the differences between many of the Slate varieties. I have some Tri-color Mottled Slates at nearly 3 months old. They are just now starting to show some brown in their feathers. I have not yet noticed any of the expected white coming yet but it will continue to come in as they age.

The ones that are about 2 months old still look like regular Blue Slates but they aren't regular Blue Slates and they will eventually develop the colors associated with the Tri-color Mottled Slates.

The 2 month old Tri-color Mottled Blacks that I also have still look like regular black turkeys. They too will develop the white mottling and brown feathers as they get older.

Your Bourbon Red with the light colored mother are capable of turning out to be Bourbon Reds that may or may not be carrying hidden recessive color genes. Only a selective breeding program or DNA testing will answer your questions about them. There also you need to wait to see their final adult plumage to be able to tell anything from them.
Do you by any chance have pictures of your tri-color mottled slates? I would love to see them. :)
Sorry, no adult pics as I never keep any of them until the adult stage.
Tri-color Mottled Slate
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They are gorgeous! I'm trying to find a picture of the older ones but can't seem to find one. 🤔
@Bantambird posted a picture of her Tri-color Mottled Slate tom in The Century of Turkey Talk thread.

@oldhenlikesdogs had posted a picture of her gorgeous tom years ago but I believe she took the photo down.

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