Question about Turkeys , Pheasants and Ducks

Feathered Wings

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
I have some questions all concerning different birds.

I recently purchased 3 baby turkey poulets I've had them for 2 days.
They are newly hatched one is a royal palm and the others are white.
My question is i have them in with some Bantam chicks as i know they need to be taught to eat.
I have seen them picking at the food and seen them drink but their crops are always empty.

Do turkeys eat small amounts and not fill their crops like chickens?
How much should i be seeing them eat?

On the same day i bought the turkeys i bought 2 pheasants.
They are Black Mutant Pheasants i can't determine their age but their bodies are feathered but their heads are not.
My question is they are so spooked easily when i walk up to their cage they fly up hitting the top.
I covered their pen and they have calmed down some.

Will they calm down the longer they are here?

Okay my Ducks 4 Cayugas about 4 months old they have begun to range.
They have discovered my plum tree and are eating the immature green plums that have fallen to the ground.

Is this okay will they make them sick by them being green?
The poults don't eat alot right at first, as long as they are picking at the food and drinking I wouldn't be to worried about it. When hatched they can go about 3 or 4 days without food, that's how the hatcheries can ship them. Once they get settled in you should start to see them making more trips to the food.

We are new to pheasants ourselves and they are flighty. We bought 10 ringneck chicks and so far they are doing great. I noticed they don't like it when you are over top of them, filling up the feeder and water leaning into the brooder gets them running. Moving slow and steady does the best and doesn't seem to alarm them near as much.

I think our ducks would eat the tires off a car and be fine but then again they are Muscovy.

Steve in NC
Thanks i haven't had Turkeys in years and the only things i remember are they have to be taught to eat and they get blackhead from picking in chicken litter.

These pheasants are just suseptible to flying strait up or side ways i try and not visit them and keep them covered.

OH Thank God mine pick up all kinds of stuff and eat it i caught one trying to eat a rubber water hose washer.
Just thought the green plums might upset their tummys (mama always told me never to eat green plums)
Yes the pheasant, need solid top brooders, bad about hitting the top of flight pens, high pens with top netting, dont mixes them with your other birds, ringneck i think are the worst for pecking.
Thanks Deer Man i have them in their own cage and it has a wire top.
It just terrifies me when i walk up to check on them and they fly strait up.

Will they calm down any at all??
OH Thank God mine pick up all kinds of stuff and eat it i caught one trying to eat a rubber water hose washer.

My idiot drake once ate a styrofoam packing peanut. I caught another duck trying to eat a marble

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