Question about using linoleum in the coop.

I have lino in my coop and love it. We glued it down though not as throughly as you would for a bathroom or kitchen, mostly around the edges and a big x thru the middle, then caulked around the edges to seal it. The chickens will get used to it and you'll LOVE it when it comes time to clean out the coop.
I used fiberglass sheets similar to what is used in tub surrounds and built the walls on top of them. I also stappled them just because it was easy. It is a breeze to clean and it is slightly textured. I haven't noticed any footing issues with the girls.
We used a roll of lino, and cut to size. We tacked it down with nails etc and no problems whatsoever.

No slippery problems either... the one we used was textured tho so that may have had something to do with it
It was mentioned about tiles coming up. Since we have free tiles (came with our new house) we will be using them. Would covering the linoleum with polyurethane (yet again, came with the house) help keep everything tighter? Is there any other coatings that would improve tiles linoleum? I also wonder about moisture making its way through the cracks.
What glue? Ours is one big sheet, we never used any glue. We tacked it down around the edges by nailing it. so no chemicals here. Its so easy to keep the coop clean.

we have the vinyl flooring with about 4" of deep litter.. the vinyl never gets dirty or seen.. works great. we will add more litter as the winter progresses and add d/e everytime we add more shavings. will probably end up with 12" of litter by the time the winter is has been used for about 5 mos now and no smell at all.
There is no need to use glue, staples, or screwing through battens, works very well.

As far as slipperiness, just put enough bedding down they don't slip and it'll be fine. It helps if you 'wak' the bedding down when you've put in a new fluffy load, to pack it a little bit so their feet stay on top rather than going thru.

Good luck, have fun,

Pat, with linoleum on about half her pens (I didn't put it there, it's from a previous owner's dogs) and without on the other half, and being equally happy either way.
Would covering the linoleum with polyurethane (yet again, came with the house) help keep everything tighter?

I'm not sure polyurethane will stick to the linoleum and may peel or chip off and get eaten by the chickens. 'paint on' poly anyway.

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