Question for breeders from a designer


7 Years
Nov 1, 2012
I am doing a project for a college graphic design class
I was wondering
1. how many of you guys buy specific items for your specific breed
2. Hypothetically if there was a website where you could special order feed, shampoos, etc, would you use it? Kind of like subway, where you pick the minerals and vitamins that go into the things to improve color, feathers, things like that
Any feedback would be great, thanks!
I wouldn't. Unless it was decorations. I would totally buy a painting with a breed that we own.. Or a statue or something.. :p

Not any chicken care related items. I can't imagine how you could make that breed sensitive..?
Many people have mixed flocks with a variety of birds. For example, we have 5 breeds in our egg laying flock plus another two breeds for showing/breeding. I would not likely buy items to reflect each breed that we own.

However, If you were to cater to people who show their birds, I could see a website with a collection of specific show related products. Otherwise, I tend to buy decorative items, coffee cups etc. that have lovely roosters on them.
Many people have mixed flocks with a variety of birds. For example, we have 5 breeds in our egg laying flock plus another two breeds for showing/breeding. I would not likely buy items to reflect each breed that we own.
However, If you were to cater to people who show their birds, I could see a website with a collection of specific show related products. Otherwise, I tend to buy decorative items, coffee cups etc. that have lovely roosters on them.

Exactly how I feel. I love my coffee mugs! My mother just bought me a personalized mug with two roosters and a bunch of chicks :love

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