Question from a Newbie in MO


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Hi All;
I love this site! I've been spending HOURS reading and learning so much! My husband and I have 8, seven weeks old chicks; 2 barred rocks, 3 red stars, and 3 americana's. We are building a coop and run. We have a make shift run attached to a too small coop, until the "real" one is finished!
My question is this: The more I read, the more worried I get. If you read much under the topic "emergencies/diseases/injuries" you start to feel like there is SOOOOOO much that can go wrong. I am starting to feel like "why did I do this?" Are there really so many problems like lice, worms, mites, internal laying (yuk), protruding vents, clogged poopers, frost bit toes, pecking feathers out of each other!!! YIKES!! There are 273,000 posts in that section!!!
Please tell me these things aren't common place! Please!

I have had my chickens since september. They have had some kind of bug, which sevin dust took care of. Other than that healthy happy chickens with no problems.
I felt the same way once I started, But the more you educate yourself on how to prevent such thing's, the better you will feel!! The best way to prevent 99.9% of all of your problems is, CLEANLINESS!! Keep water and food free of EVERYTHING except what it is!! Also I strongly recommend, STORIE'S GUIDE TO RAISING CHICKENS, Revised edition.. Helped me out a bunch, and is a great goto book in the event of knowledge being needed in a hurry, also if a problem does arise, seek out this site!! One of the best referances out there!! Good luck and enjoy your Chickens!!!
from Ohio. So glad you joined. I know when you put it all out there, it looks pretty bad. It is only meant to prepare you for the things that can go wrong. But like BuckWildChickens said it is more on how to prevent such things ahead of time.

I think the main thing is to catch problems early,then it's just more of a maintenance thing ... like stockpiling eggs,before you worm coop,add a little sevin dust...ect...... don't worry you'll be watching them and just like a good mom you'll know when something isn't right.... they are worth the worry and work..your at the right site enjoy them
Yes there are husbandry problems with keeping chickens just as with all animals (humans included.) The bottom line is just use common sense. If you have a problem, ask the question and then go with the logical, common sense suggestions. You and your chickens will be fine. I promise.

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