Question of the Day - Monday, April 15th, 2024


BYC Staff
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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Today's question is from @Sally PB:
Do you floss your teeth?

Teeth Tooth GIF by OllieTorres
Yes, but it's mostly because back when they put in rubber band spacers in preparation for installing braces, one of the bands migrated into my gum line. Much swelling and lots of blood was involved - no need to get into it in too much detail. Anyway, it caused a larger gap between my back two teeth than what was intended, which means about half of every meal winds up there instead of in my stomach. Since I'm having to clear out the gap after every meal, anyway, I might as well do the rest of my teeth while I'm at it. Sometimes I suspect my dentist teamed up with my orthodontist and planned out this whole thing just to get me to floss more regularly. Well, it worked, so kudos, I guess.

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