Question of the Day - Sunday, May 5th, 2024

No. Airplane, subway train, taxi, school bus, transit bus, bus at the Christmas tree farm, ambulance once, but never a helicopter. I also almost died in New York once, so that was interesting. But I was already at the hospital, so no helicopter for me😒
oh no, what happened?
oh no, what happened?
Oh, it was half my life ago, and I was out cold for most of it. Basically complications from a surgery. I wasn’t absorbing fluids, whatever that means, and as a side note they used the wrong tape. I may not really remember almost dying, but man, the blisters from that medical grade so called “hypoallergenic” adhesive sucked.
I have, over 15 years ago though. One of my friend’s dad was an owner of a well drilling company and bought his own private helicopter. Got his pilot’s license and would give rides over the town for us. Those rides were incredible, haven’t experienced anything like it.

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