Question on Color Blindness


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
Are you color blind? Have you ever tried the (red/green) color blind corrective glasses? If so, what brand and how did they work for you?
We're looking at getting some for my FiL for his birthday this year, and there are so many different styles out there I don't want to get scammed and I want them to work for him. I know there is a small percentage of people who the glasses don't work, and I can't control that, but I want to make sure the glasses I do get actually work.

Thanks in advance!!
Definitely worth a try. They're a little pricey but worth every penny. After we got them for dad we took two bags of pink clothing to goodwill he didn't believe were pink until he could see himself and some silver shorts lol! Getting those shorts a new home were absolutely worth the glasses cost.;)
I wonder if that would help my brother- he is terrible with colors

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