Question on ventilation


Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Chicks coming in a week and my confidence is waning. I added a 2x3 extension to a 2x3 dog crate. The extention has solid walls and a lift off top covering about 2 ft, effectively creating a box. Will this be enough ventilation for 12 standard chicks?
The ambient temperature is 66 F in the open crate and 67 in the partially enclosed area; a heat plate warms it to 70F and 80 directly under the plates when raised to 3inch height, but not contacting the plates. Will this be sufficient? I have seen some make fringed drapes to hold in more, so I tried it (pic 3), but then I got concerned about ventilation, and around n round I go.
Please, Take a look at the pics and give your best advice on any needed changes. The brooder is in my heated basement, sitting on foam insulation boards.
Thanks BYC peeps!!


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Chicks coming in a week and my confidence is waning. I added a 2x3 extension to a 2x3 dog crate. The extention has solid walls and a lift off top covering about 2 ft, effectively creating a box. Will this be enough ventilation for 12 standard chicks?
The ambient temperature is 66 F in the open crate and 67 in the partially enclosed area; a heat plate warms it to 70F and 80 directly under the plates when raised to 3inch height, but not contacting the plates. Will this be sufficient? I have seen some make fringed drapes to hold in more, so I tried it (pic 3), but then I got concerned about ventilation, and around n round I go.
Please, Take a look at the pics and give your best advice on any needed changes. The brooder is in my heated basement, sitting on foam insulation boards.
Thanks BYC peeps!!
I am not an expert but it looks great to me. I had mine in a room with my heat set at 65 last year. I use a MHP (close to a heat plate) and they do great. That doesn't need to be as hot as a heat lamp. with the top open on the box and the whole crate open it should work out great! Good job!
Personality I think the ventilation looks fine I would just make sure they’ll be warm enough 90-95 I’d recommend for day old Chicks
Ventilation looks good to me, and it's a good size space for 12. I would cover the gaps at the edge of the top between the extension and the crate, where you have a gate propped up on top, so no chick can fly up and somehow get caught in that space. Just like 2 strips of cardboard duct taped to the gate would work fine. Unlikely that something would go wrong at that spot, but freak accidents happen!
Ventilation looks good to me, and it's a good size space for 12. I would cover the gaps at the edge of the top between the extension and the crate, where you have a gate propped up on top, so no chick can fly up and somehow get caught in that space. Just like 2 strips of cardboard duct taped to the gate would work fine. Unlikely that something would go wrong at that spot, but freak accidents happen!
Noted. I wondered about that space too. Thx.

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