Questionon Brooder boxes


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Johnstown New York
I am totally amazed at all the Coops noted in the "Show your Coops' thread; some peoples ideas astound me!

I do not that many have the brooder boxes hanging on the outside. Is that a result of convenience (easier to get the eggs out) or space (so it doesn't take up inside space).
Living in a very cold area, I would imagine the outside boxes are even more vulnerable to temps?
I would guess you are referring to nest boxes, vs. "brooder boxes".
I put mine on the outside for several reasons. The two you listed, as well as less chance of the chickens escaping, when I go into the coop, collecting eggs. No chicken poop gets on my shoes, either. Its easier to change out the nesting material, too: I have my wheelbarrow full of straw and go along the row of boxes, throwing out the old into the coop, and adding fresh.
As for cold: the straw insulates the nest and I collect everyday, before dark. Chickens don't intentionally lay at night. They will drop one off the roost at night, sometimes, but not usually.
Sure, I live in AZ, but we get cold. Below zero is not uncommon. 10 to 20 is very common. I'm sure we've had frozen eggs, but none have cracked from it.
if the nest boxes (you are correct, I did not know what I was saying when I typed Brooder boxes above) are inside - then no folding door on the outside, correct? I kind of like the idea not having to worry about draft.
I have felt cold AZ air, but the wind here in NE is torturous!

I did read a note (I believe it was theChickenChick) who mentioned putting quasi curtains in front of the boxes as not to spook the ladies - sounds like another good idea.
Any thougts on that/ experiences?

Cat litter boxes covered - not a bad idea!!!

I did read a note (I believe it was theChickenChick) who mentioned putting quasi curtains in front of the boxes as not to spook the ladies - sounds like another good idea.
Any thougts on that/ experiences?

Yes, I have put "curtains" in front of the nest boxes. It may have made a difference, with the original batch of chickens, but the subsequent generations seem to learn from the old timers, so, no more curtains. I only seem to find eggs on the coop floor, when broody hens are occupying the available nests.

My nest boxes have an angled lid, with a piano hinge. They fit tight. They would be totally draft proof, with foam weather stripping (unless I open them).

Ah, yes, the wonderful wind. It's blowing a steady 25 right now, with gusts to 40 and a red flag fire warning. I opened a nest and I thought the wind was going to blow the chicken out the other side.
At least I never have to rake any leaves.

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