Questions about egg layers and rooster


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 6, 2014
Sorry for the ignorance, we have 3buff orphingtons, 2SS (one rooster), and 3 guineas (2male 1female) all supposed to be females. ;) ;) So we got our first 2 eggs the past two days. Exciting!! Well how do you know if the rooster has fertilized them or not? Will the hen stay on the egg(s) if it's fertilized? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Don't be sorry for asking questions. That's what we're here for! =) So you have 4 hens and 1 roo, correct? Your roo should have no problems "servicing" all of the hens, meaning most (if not all) of your eggs will be fertilized. Some people say fertile eggs taste better, but I don't pick up any difference in taste. Also, just because an egg is fertilized doesn't mean the hen will stay on her nest and hatch them out. You will need a broody hen for this. This is when hen will "lock down" on her nest and will more or less refuse to get off. She will leave periodically to eat, drink, and poop. (Watch out! Broody poops are AWFUL) If you have a devoted broody, she will not abandon her clutch. Keep in mind that broodiness depend mainly on breed and the individual. All heavy breeds probably have at least some chance of going broody. I've had quite a few BOs go broody and they've been very good mothers nearly every time as well. As far as telling if the eggs are fertilized, you'll need to look at the spot where the embryo develops. Check this out:

I always break a few eggs open and take a look just to make sure my roos are doing their jobs before I put my eggs in my incubator or under a broody hen. Hope this helps!
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I've noticed the rooster trying to initiate his service tithe hens, only the BO and not thesussex (they all treat her like the ugly duckling, even tho the rooster is a SS too) the hens don't seem towant his service tho as they run off, are they just not mature enough yet? I only have one laying so far, I got them in June. I did see the roo mount a hen today for a good 30seconds but she didn't seem interested, he did it right in front of me lol. He's always trying to clap his feathers when I'm around, and once when I took an egg out of box and he tried to charge me. What should my responses be when he does these behaviors? He also cockadooedoos alllllhours of the day and night?

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