questions about guinea fowl


11 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Hello I'm getting adult guinea fowl from my dads boss. I have some questions.

Do I need to buld a seperate coop for them so I can free range the chickens?

Also how do I clip their wings? Like a chickens or a duck?

And what do I need to know about them and do they eat the same stuff as the chickens?
Do I need to buld a seperate coop for them so I can free range the chickens?
I have some guineas that live in separate coops & some that live with my chickens and there some that would rather live in the trees. It depends on your goals & situation.

Also how do I clip their wings? Like a chickens or a duck?
Wings can be clipped like a chickens, but I have never clipped mine.

And what do I need to know about them and do they eat the same stuff as the chickens?
I feed game bird feed as the primary ration. They will eat chicken feed if you are housing them together.

Do you want to keep them in a pen full time or are you wanting to free range the guineas as well? Are purchasing adults or keets?
I'm gettting adults along with chickens hopefully tomorrow. I'm getting them from my dads boss for free cause I lost my whole flock leaving one duck injured. I want to free range but I want them to come in at night with the chickens. They've never been free ranged same with chickens. There for pet and egg purpose. They're laying
How do I clip their wings so they don't fly off when transporting them to the back of our truck with the top on the back of the truck
We don't have or cant find a cage. Unless we get boxes forthe guinea and the chickens will be alright. But I don't know what the plan is all depends on my parents honestly.
Without a cage you will have some major issues! Guineas are CRAZY!!!! Use some boxes, crates, you can build your on cages, borrow dog boxes, get creative. Don't try it without some kind of cage, you will regret it. I don't know at anyone that would attempt to move them without a cage.
kaybug137, you'll need to keep the guineas penned up for six weeks. You program them to where "home" is. If you don't, they'll very likely wander/fly off in search of their previous home. Guineas take a little extra work in the beginning, but generally aren't much more difficult that chickens as adults. Do you have a pen that you can keep them in for six weeks...or more? I kept my adult guineas penned to 12 weeks until I let them out to free-range. Six weeks is generally the minimum time to keep them penned.

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