Questions about Muscovies


11 Years
Sep 12, 2008
West Sacramento, CA
My husband and I are considering getting ducks in the next year or so. We do live in a suburban neighborhood, so the Muscovies really appealed to me due to the low amount of noise. Our neighbors are pretty much rightthere (i.e., I can see into all of their windows). Everyone's been very nice and supportive about all of our sustainability projects, but I wouldn't want to push things.

Anyways, we have a fenced-off side yard area that is a bit over 180 sq ft. How much space do muscovies need? They'd be in there most of the day, and let out to the rest of the yard for 1-3 hours every day.

And how well do they fly with their wings clipped? We have 6 foot fences all around, and a 4 foot gate at the side yard.

There's a muscovy that lives at a pond down the street. It is sooo pretty, and I'd love to get some, but by all means, feel free to let me know if I'd be better off with another breed.

i am totally in love with mine too!!! so much they live with me in my bedroom lol. they are sooo cute and lately my little girl has been a lover! she loves to cuddle and sit on my lap and watch tv with me. they also like to climb the stairs! so i let them. my drake won't let me hold him she he often just follows me around. he's a sweetie. he's a mamma's boy always with me!!
I wasn't sure how many we would get. What's a good number? I was thinking girls, but it also seems like it's hard to find them already sexed if you want to buy ducklings. So we might have to give away or chop-chop-yum the males. Our neighbor's brother has a farm, so he might be interested in extras.

I was thinking about laying down river rock and sand for better drainage. We don't get a lot of rain though, so I'm not terribly worried about that. How voracious are they when it comes to plants? I might want to put some potted plants over there to spruce things up, make it attractive, or perhaps an arbor with vines...would that be a bad idea?
Well, if you're getting ducklings first then you'll have time to decide how many you want to keep as they grow out. My Scovies seem to need a lot of "personable space" but that's once they were mostly grown. You might want to start out with 6 or so which will give you a good chance to have a nice number or girls out of the bunch. Once they are older be sure to provide some low roosting areas that are a foot or two high. Scovies LOVE to roost.

How voracious are they when it comes to plants? I might want to put some potted plants over there to spruce things up, make it attractive, or perhaps an arbor with vines...would that be a bad idea?

Scovies eat EVERYTHING!
They will dig out your potted plants and strip the vines. They eat sytrofoam, plastic, old plastic pots, cardboard, herbs, flowers, white pine needles, strip the bark off of wood logs ....
... well, you get the idea. If you want "pretty" then I suggest fencing it away fm the Scovies or replacing it on a regular basis.

That said, I love my Scovies!
You will love yours but just be aware that they do get into everything they can and chew/eat everything they can whether or not it's good for them.​
Thanks for the info, keeperofthehearth! Wow, they sound a lot like my dog.
I'm always saying, "Hey! What's that you've got in your mouth??"

I'll keep that in mind when I'm fixing up the side yard.
Scovies eat EVERYTHING!
They will dig out your potted plants and strip the vines. They eat sytrofoam, plastic, old plastic pots, cardboard, herbs, flowers, white pine needles, strip the bark off of wood logs ....
... well, you get the idea. If you want "pretty" then I suggest fencing it away fm the Scovies or replacing it on a regular basis.

That said, I love my Scovies!
You will love yours but just be aware that they do get into everything they can and chew/eat everything they can whether or not it's good for them.

Uh Oh...I didn't know that. I just bought a dozen eggs from On the Spot (Patty) LOL I guess I will have to give up the garden for now because I want those Muscovies!

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