Questions about turkeys

Or even... wow that is a big funny looking chicken isn't it!

Or... geez who dropped that off, people should be ashamed...

But SJ's right ... appeal to the belly, works on my Simon every time (not that I consult him on these things very often.. thereby the two pregnant sheep, ram lamb and 4 goats purchased within the last 2 months
... oh and the doeling this weekend... and the 2 coming end of May...)!

Sneak them in... he'll never notice.

I told my husband yesterday I knew someone who has some giant sized turkens and he was okay with that. I guess I could get them and say well I guess they must have said turkeys
I even told him we could sell off half of the chickens and have our own fresh turkeys for thanksgiving. I have an acquaintance that I can get some from in 2 weeks. They have royal palms, blue slates and bbw. This acquaintance told me if I could get a runt bbw tom then it is possible for them to breed.

I want meat but I also don't want my turkeys to end up at my neighbors because they are gun happy.

**Thanks everyone for replying.

No no... you have it all wrong, we don't sell off half of our chickens to get turkeys... we get little turkeys that blend in with the chickens and by the time he finds out.. its too late! I am so glad I don't need to be creative with Simon... he just shakes his head now
Guess what? I got my husband to agree to get 2 turkeys (I may get 4 though -- kinda sneak in the extra 2).

A friend of mine found a St Bernard and called me about it and I told her I would call my husband to see if we can have the St Bernard. Well, my husband said he would me get a couple of turkeys than to get another dog (we already have one labrador mix and also a cocker spaniel mix) so given the choice I got what I really wanted. Now I have to wait 2 weeks and then I will bring home the little turkey poults.

They will be raised with my chicks. I don't see any problems with that. None of my chickens have ever been sick
Great! If you want pets and meat, stay away from the BBW's. The RP's have a small Y shapped breast so if you love breast meat, go with the Blues. They will be much more meatier than the RP's!
I have a question about my heritage turkeys. I have two hens and a tom. The turkeys are Burbon Reds. We live in Central Oregon. Do we have to do anything special for them to help them so that they will nest? The hens are laying eggs but they don't seem to want to set on them. It may be a bit early. They have their own space away from the chickens to roost and stay at night, (we usually let them out during the day when we are home). My husband thinks we should keep them in their pen and hopefully they will set on their eggs. Don't really know the best thing for them. Any ideas? Thanks, Holly

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