Questions about what to look for in breeds and about showing


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009

I am looking into getting some chickens. I am thinking about Standard Light Brahmas and/or Silkies. I have met and seen some really friendly and beautiful Light Brahmas, and I love how huge they are
. And I have had a silkie pair before (about 3 years ago), and they were the friendliest little guys. I would be showing them in 4-H and am wondering what I should be looking for in both breeds. (What colors of silkie are showable?) I will be looking around on here to see if anyone has any. My struggle is that I only want a couple of each. And I need to get them before May 15, if I am going to show them in 4-H.

I am also interested in showing them, in other things then 4-H. How would I get into that? Are the entries expensive?

Thanks you!
Check out their Breed standard and also their Breed websites... Google is your friend!
This will tell you accepted color varieties, what to look for and what disqualifies a bird. We have many wonderful breeders here on the BYC that should be able to help you out when you;re ready for some eggs/chicks

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