questions asked from customers about selling eating and hatching eggs


11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Rockwell, NC
I put a small sign up at work to start selling my eggs. I am selling them as eating for $2.50/dz and also eggs for hatching, $15.00/dz. I was caught off guard when someone asked me "why are your hatching eggs more expensive than your eating eggs. Aren't they the same eggs?" Yikes!!! I have no idea what to say. What does every one else tell their customers in this case?

You could say that eating eggs and hatching eggs need to handled differently (hatching eggs can't go in the fridge, must be stored in the correct position, can't be washed.... where eating eggs go into the fridge, get scrubbed, etc....
Tell them eating eggs are YOUR choice of breeds or a mix, hatching eggs are their choice. And that potential chicks are worth much more than breakfast. Tell them to look at hatching egg prices on eggbid. That'll straighten them out.

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