Questions. Help please

Rye or corn or buckwheat or sunflower seeds or really any seed that hasn't been heat treated (or gotten too old.) If you want instructions specific to a particular seed, it's worth searching online. Sometimes you'll find tips from folks who have sprouted that particular kind. Seeds from the grocery store like, for example, brown rice or quinoa, have likely been heated to kill any insect eggs so those may not sprout.
Update : He had a lot of poops today. They looked normal. He definitely ate a little FR over night.
As @Goosebaby suggested I made a soup with it and boy he went to town on that! Thank you SO much for that tip. I let him have some of the alfalfa cubes tonight too. He really loved those. I left the rest fermenting. There was a white growth in there but I stirred it in. I offered him some grit which he took some of too. He went to bed with a full (fuller than it has been) crop. Here's a pic of poop. They pretty much all looked this way. They varied in size some from about dime sized to a bit bigger than this. It looks much better to me. Also, sadly this nerf dart was more readily available than a quarter so I just used that. Hope that's ok! Starting my rye fodder in the morning. Silly goose is going to have a nice buffet soon.

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