questions i or somone else will answer

Yous forgot to mention that Polish hens are extra sweet.
We forgot to mention how dumb they are, or maybe that is mine. A rock as in the non chicken one, could out smart my hen.
But, boy is she cute.
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Chick starter or gamebird starter. They like scrambled eggs.

No, my chickens didn't ask which chicken it was when they ate it.

Yes, brothers will mate their sisters. I tried talking to him about it. He wouldn't listen. It went like this:

":Algernon, we humans believe it's wrong to mate your sister." His sister Penny goes by.

Algernon: "Hey good looking, what's shaking - where you BEEN all my life."

Me: "That's your sister, Idiot, you've known her since you hatched."

A: "Shake them tailfeathers, Lady Bird!"

Me" Algie, we humans have rules about that sort of thing, you're supposed to be listening."

A: " Huh, what? You got Corn? You're human, you should have corn in your pockets. Where's MINE ???"- stuffs head in my jacket pocket... mouthful of corn, sees his mother go by... "Hey good looking, where YOU been all my life?"

Me: "That's your mother, you Idiot."

Caladan turns around and starts a hen strut. "Hi handsome, where YOU been all MY life..." (Hint, she's his mother.)

Chickens don't care and it doesn't matter unless it produces poor results, which it rarely does if you add new blood now and then.

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