questions keeping out racoons


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
central Texas
Am planning on using a 10 x 10 dog kennel with a roof of corrugated metal as a coop for our ducks and geese at night. Neighbor now has us concerned about raccoons reaching in through the chain-link fencing and killing the birds. I am thinking of attaching shade cloth on the bottom 42 inches of kennel to keep them from reaching the birds. Should we consider using hardware cloth instead. I know they cannot get into the kennel, but not sure about reaching in. Husband thinks they will just tear through the cloth. Opinions on this?
Hardware cloth would be ideal but I think chicken wire would work as well. That combined with the chain link should keep those little paws out. Just make sure that roof is on with no gaps anywhere. Racoons will climb up and try to pry the roof off if they can gain access.
Hardware cloth would be the best option, and if you do use chicken wire, make sure the holes are small and not the big kind. Raccons are pretty smart creatures and can probably find a way to tear the shade cloth, some people have even reported raccoons untwisting the chicken wire and getting in. Thats why I think hardware cloth is your best bet, because the the holes are smaller and it's welded not twisted together.
I started it using chicken wire, then got tired of fixingthe holes from my dog ripping it open to get at the chicken treats. A raccoon is a lot more patient than my dog, and probably twice as strong. Save yourself the hassle of fixing holes and then re-doing the whole thing.ter on. Use hardware cloth.

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