Quick and Dirty Coop WIP

I've got it at least functional if not beautiful. lot of tweaking to do, trim and such, also I may end up putting the coop on a riser frame so I can at least get the run panels all the same height. I was limited to 42" for a lot of this stuff as that's how long the decking spindles are. Hindsight as they say.
intermediate coop.jpg
This looks like a very small coop for 8 chickens. If I'm looking at this correctly, you really need to go much bigger. You need roosting bars, nesting boxes, room for them to move around and possibly food and water in there. Most will say at a minimum of 2-3 ft per chicken in a coop.
Making progress. Hopefully I'll have this usable by next weekend. I'd hoped to have it functional this weekend, but we're having company in a couple days and have had to put projects on hold while we give the house a deep clean and straighten.View attachment 2250501
Nice progress! May I suggest adding a few more 2x2 "studs" to the framing on the Run area? It will give it some much needed support especially when those 2x2's start to expand and contract with the moisture content of the air.

Good luck and I love the foundation/base!

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