Quick and humane euthanasia?


5 Years
Aug 25, 2016
Angels camp, CA
I have a 5 year old Leghorn that has become increasingly lame over the last 4 weeks. It seems as though she’s slowly becoming paralyzed in her back end and now spreading to her wings. I’m sad since she still shows active interest in eating with the flock in the morning and goes to the waterer to drink (although having to drag herself around). I’ve had MANY chickens over the years, but the ones who get sick seem to die off quickly and I’ve never had to face the issue of “offing” one before her time. I currently have 33 ladies of various ages and all of them will live out their old lady years comfortably and loved (even though egg production has stopped). I feel that the time has come to stop her suffering, but need a suggestion as to a quick and effective was of putting her down. I don’t want to spend the $130 to take her to a vet for euthanasia. Any suggestions??

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