quick chick supplement


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
How long are you supposed to keep them on the quick chick? Had mine on it for about the first week, they are now 12 days old and so far going strong. Are they supposed to stay on it for a while?
They were hatched on 3/8 from McMurray.
Will add another question for the group.

How long should they be on sugar water before just straight water?
Sugar water should be given to stressed chick for no more than a day or two. It gives a quick boost of enegery and usually gets them over the hump of shipping. The sugar causes a laxative effect that often results in bad bouts of pasty butt if given for prolonged amounts of time.

If the chicks seem to be active and healthy plain cold water is all they need.

I have used quik chik and only give it a day or two for a good nutriative boost. If I have chicks that seem to be weak I continue for 7 - 10 days in a weaker solution.

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