Quick musical question

When I think of rock, I think classic like the Stones....so personally, I would call it metal.

Good luck Pk!
Remember at one time Jethro Tull was officially acknowledged to be the Greatest Heavy Metal Band or something like that. This was in the mid to late 1980s. Apparently they were metal and all those ...... metal bands ..... just couldn't cut it.
Song one is Heavy Metal, Song two is Rock, Song three is a bit more like rock opera, and song 4 four is rock.

All of the music is electronic. I would be surprise if it was being created and produced entirely on a good quality keyboard.
I am a die hard metal finatic and I have never heard these songs or artists before. The first one I would say slightly metal but the others one do not fit my bill. Sorry. If you need recommendations for metal songs just let me know.

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