Quick question


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
Hello. :frow
Not sure where this goes, but I have three nesting boxes up high for my hens. I would like to put another one in my coop that is down low, basically on the coop for a broody to hatch some chicks in the spring or summer time. I'm looking at the plastic nesting boxes. Does anyone know if those are good broody nesting boxes? If not does anyone know where or what type I should get? I've done all my research, but it will be my first time having a broody hatch eggs for me, so I'm just trying to know what box I should get. Thank you.
Most anything can work, it doesn't have to be an actual nestbox, it just needs to not tip over when a chicken goes in or out. I have used cat litter pans, plastic bowls, square box, stuff like that.
Well another problem is I have to put it where my chickens sleep so it most likely will get pooped on. I have no other spot to put it. Do you think that that box could work?
I will add that there's no guarantee that a broody will choose it over the other boxes, I will wait until hatch day then I'm there to move mom and chicks to a wire pen so they can be separated for the first week or two until the chicks are stronger.
Yes, I'll probably move her there if she doesn't chose it, because the other ones are way to high to be incubating and hatching babies in. Thank you. :)

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