Quick Run question...

Year of the Rooster

Sebright Savvy
11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
West Central Ohio
Ok, so we are now deciding what we want our run size to be.... My dad thought of a plan to make our run 96 sq ft instead of 100 sq ft to help save materials. We are keeping 10 of the 17 birds we have. 4 Standards and 6 bantams, and "maybe" a few chicks in the future. Is that 4 sq ft. difference a big deal? I tried to explain it to him but he doesn't want to waste anything. I want the best for my birds but the way he has the setup planned out is perfect. I need some thoughts and opinions here... Thank you
Ok, I'm not going to make this easy, but here is my advice. Take it from someone who knows.
Always build BIGGER than you think you need.

All kiddin aside, I like to give 10 square feet per bird to allow for extra space in case I need it.
Ok the 96 sq ft is doable for the 10 birds you plan to keep.


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