Quicken Auction House (not real)

Well if you stole them and they are an April fools joke I think the jokes on you cause you stole chickens that don't exist and what is the full description of these beasts?
People believed in the olden times (1400s) that if your rooster laid an egg, it would hatch into a cockatrice. For it to be incubated it would need to be incubated by a toad. And if you threw the egg over the family house, without it hitting the house, the egg would be destroyed. The cockatrice itself was so deadly that people believed that just looking at it can kill you.
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My, my, new players have arrived to enlarge the fake betting pools! Welcome everyone! :frow

Scarf, quilt, bracelet, book, and two dozen blue eggs.

The slippers, the pull, the seeds, the frying pans, and three dozen stripped green eggs.

(Can you guess how many LF orp chicks in this pic?)

I would guess at least nine chicks under your broody, though how she'll manage to keep them all warm when they hit the 2 week old cap is a mystery to me.

Can I join?

Of course you can join :) all kinds of fake moneys are laid on the table, so take your pick ^^

And now for my contribution - 3500 FDs!

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