Quicken Auction House (not real)

Veterinarians for chickens is a dying practice because it is too costly for the amateur backyarder and medium breeder to afford. Only commercial factories can pay the visit of a vet, and the treatment for hundreds of birds greatly differs from the treatment to a single bird. Plus vets are trained to use chemical medicine instead of natural remedies, so that doesn't help their popularity towards most small backyard flocks.

Most people will tell you to cull your sick members and start again. Except not every backyarder has a rooster, an incubator and/or a broody on hand, and fetching chicks from another place is impossible with the Covid-19 keeping us all confined at home. This year is just not a productive one for me. On a bright note though, at least I still have one vigorous chick to fill up the ranks of my flock. I trust mama hen to make sure this one survives.

18,000 FDs, and six extra wishes for a miracle.
Lets wish your mama hen luck!

21,000 FRs, and nine extra wishes for a miracle.

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