Quilt Block Swap! All blocks have been mailed!

I am not a woman silly.

ETA: I am sorry the PO ruined your package. I hope your blocks clean up.
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For the next swap I think we should require every envelope of quilt squares be put into into plastic ziplock bags that are addressed to the sender just incase a damaged envelope has a missing address.
Got mine! Thanks all, especially MissPrissy for coordinating the swap! And Terrie, sure hope your blocks are ok. I like the idea of plastic bags, labeled with the address for "just in case". Again, thanks to everyone who participated. I've been laying mine out and rearranging them to see how I'm going to set them together.
I've been laying mine out and rearranging them also to see how I'm going to set them together and I love them all but mine. LOL They are too white, sorry everyone. If it wasn't for MissPrissy's being a little white I think I would do them all over and send you each another one. Next time I won't do white.
Gin do I have to protect you from yourself as well. LOL just kidding I love all of my blocks can't wait till I get these halloween costumes done so I can mess with them.

I am almost done with the Cinderella dress just hemming and the zipper. Gus Gus the mouse is next and I am taking a break as I have been an hour straight at that sewing machine LOL. Just got a call now I have to make a devil dress, red hot and skimmpy ya right 21 or not she is not getting a dress that short from me LOL.
Got my blocks today! Even prettier in person!!!!
I LOVE what everyone did!

Ginbart... I love your pattern and the contrast of the green and the white! Love the white on white delicate pattern of the fabric!

Zookeeper... Love that blue fabric! I hope my blue eggs this next year are as blue as your squares! Wishful thinking, eh?

Blossom Hen.... That applique chook is the cutest! I've never done applique, so I'm still trying to figure out HOW you did it!

Peapatch.... that fabric is the best! Wherever did you find it?! That little lady in the center is too cute!

Sara.... love the rich colors and the pattern..... I've wanted to try my hand at stars but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Shelanie.... I love that vintage style chicken fabric! ADORABLE!!!

jkcove.... you found some chicken fabric like the one I used! They're gonna look great together for sure!

herechickchick....... Love the vintage feel and the fabrics are gorgeous! Where do you ladies find this stuff?

terrielacy..... too cute! Love the colors and the center fabric is too sweet

Miss Prissy.... Still feeling for ya and the ink incident, but the squares you sent are gorgeous and I love the pattern and the fabric!
Love the contrast of the light and dark

Cockadoodlemom..... Holy moly lady! You HAND stitched your squares!!!! Bravo! I wish I had that kind of time
Love the colors and the sunny sunflowers
So cheery!

I can't wait to lay mine out and get them stitched together! Can't wait to see what everyone does with theirs!
I have also received mine today!!!! All of the wonderful choices to make..... There are 4 that I received only one of so I think those will be the center of my quilt and then I will work out from there, maybe...LOL Truely this makes quilting that much harder.. When I make one I can see in my mind what it will look like but doing this wonderful swap has really got me going.. I will rearrange them a million times before I get them where I will leave them. Then again maybe I will close my eyes and just pick 4, then 4 more and so on to make the rows. Cant wait to see how everyone else does theirs and how you chose your pattern. I will definately be there again in March!!!!!! Jenn

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